My 10-year writing journey led to this simple iteration for loving discoveries.  

Photo Credit: Unsplash, Nitish Meena 

I recently began publishing short posts each week to connect with others in a heart-aligned way. I’ve been using my journalism skills to include healing-centered interviews with people in my local community. 

Consistently posting feels nourishing to me. The journalistic approach seems like an uplifting alternative to news outlets or social media, which I’ve stopped using. I enjoy connecting in more meaningful, artistic ways. 

Similarly, I’ve been singing and sharing my songwriting with others in person and enjoying how that creative channel opens space for somatic relating. 

The Weekly Love News format includes topic research, inner work, inspiration from others’ journeys, empowering takeaways, and social observation from my highly-sensitive lens

When we show up to heal individual and collective traumas, we create space for our greatness to shine through. This passion project centers on sharing healing journeys to inspire and empower yours. 


Writing strengthens my intuition.

I worked as a journalist and editor for four years and loved it. The investigative journalism process fueled my curiosity about how people operate and my role in the community. Afterward, I poured into blogging, content marketing, and user experience research as paths for connection and collaboration.

In early 2020 I focused on a new question: What do people really need? I worked for large corporations and saw opportunities to improve teamwork and inner alignment. 

That’s when Julia Cameron’s “The Artist’s Way” program found me and inspired my creative healing. Since then, I’ve been writing about self-actualization, covering topics like feminism, abuse recovery, and minimalism. 

Sharing my writing feels like a necessary part of my holistic wellness. Receiving and sharing empowering discoveries feels so rewarding.  


My writing voice resonates with others.

Over the last three years, I’ve received positive feedback on articles I’ve shared. The Medium platform gave me “Top Writer” award bonuses (top 1,000) several months in a row. Also, publications like The Ascent, Invisible Illness, Change Your Mind Change Your Life, Fearless She Wrote, and The Virago have published my work.

Here are a few of the many kind comments that inspire my creative process:

  • “Your writing on meditation is really excellent, including all the basic aspects. I think publishing these articles contributes to the growing awakening in the world! A benefit to everyone seeking true peace and egoless self-mastery,” – AliceTarkeshi, meditation teacher.
  • “This piece is so beautiful in its honesty and vulnerability. I applaud you for being brave enough to share your story and help others who are not as far along on the journey. Your voice is important, powerful, and needed. Please never stop speaking up and telling your story!” Suzanna Quintana, abuse recovery coach.
  • “Thank you for this thorough and very approachable article! Totally agree, and I’m sharing widely,” Matthew Gibson, MD, psychiatrist. 
  • “It’s validating to read about experiences that mirror my own. Thank you for being brave, inspiring me to be brave, and being a part of the solution to a complicated problem,” Shelby Saracino. 
  • “Most people don’t do their shadow work, which is why articles like this are so important and need to be spread far and wide,” – Nils von Kalm.
  • “Greatly encouraged by your article on becoming a narcissist’s nightmare,” – Zahn.
  • “I love your articles on Medium. They’re helping my healing journey!” – Janina Underwood. 
  • “Thank you for writing this wonderful essay! You have done woman-kind a great service. You go, girl, and take us with you!” – SK.


I write inspiring, uplifting, and empowering content on transformative topics. Sign up to receive creative offerings on Tuesdays in your email inbox.

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